That is not the case today as there is no morality or science in medicine today but pure greed and criminality as outlined in footnotes one and two. The dramatic rise in autism was based on the package of dangerous vaccines that babies are now forced to receive to enter school later and were subject to prior to the covid scam.
The Covid scam is not new at all and no one should be surprised at all at such medical malpractice. Mary Shelly’s story of Dr. Frankenstein creating monsters is as real today as Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Man That Was Used Up” presages the synthetic man. These were prophetic writings. Elon Musk worries about the Artificial Intelligence Terminator. “God man man straight but he sought many accounts” as in Ecclesiastes 7:29.
In other words, these fools think that they can be better than God.
The estimate is a 15% increase in autism cases from the 1 in 68 rate in 2010, 86% increase from the 1 in 110 rate in 2006 and 154% increase from the 1 in 150 rate in 2000 in direct correlation to the increase in the use and quantity of vaccines injected into children. In footnote one, we show the charts on the failure of vaccines to achieve anything but profits for Big Pharma.
It is 1 in 34 now though it depends on which study you look at. It is our estimate that these figures reflect a gross underestimation of the bad effects of vaccines on children as not all develop autism but other nearly fatal complications that I have witnessed myself.
I have an extensive medical education outside the medieval witchcraft of the modern medical college. Count Leo Tolstoy and George Bernard accurately called vaccinations “a peculiarly filthy piece of witchcraft”. What we have here is the substitution of the lingo of medicine where in ancient times the doctors operated on cancer to kill the evil spirit as they do today but call it a disease or germ instead to be destroyed.
Doctors Max Gerson and Albert Schweitzer called the cancer a bodily defense mechanism against the ingestion of harmful chemicals based on inorganic farming using unnatural chemical fertilizers and the inorganic additions to the food in the food chain, and that the cure was a change of diet to organic food and natural methods to strengthen the liver whose purpose is to remove such impurities from the body.
This was scientifically derived by observing that in Africa when Schweitzer arrived in 1913 there were no cancers for 17 years until the processed foods flooded Africa from Europe with their high ratio of inorganic components. Cancer in Africa immediately rose to European levels. Cancer was not an evil spirit to be destroyed but the body was to be returned to nature.
Schweitzer cured the cancer simply by diet but if the liver was too damaged as in the case of Steve Jobs then such a cure was not obtainable. Jobs had a liver transplant that did not work. The liver in the Bible is regarded as the organ of honor and Jobs life was unnatural and dishonorable.
In the 1960s 1 in 2,500 children or .04% of European children developed autism. Currently, 1.85% of all American children, or roughly 1 in 54, are estimated to have autism, according to the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Monitoring Network. A comparison of the 1966 estimate and the 2020 estimate shows the prevalence estimate increased 45-fold (or 4,525%) in that time period. This is caused by modern medicine via vaccines. The truth is that all vaccines are worthless as all inorganic medicines are worthless. But they are worse than worthless.
The inorganic medicines do create a suppression of symptoms but are not a cure. For example, a friend came to me saying he had leukemia and I diagnosed the leukemia have developed due to 20 years of his taking an inorganic blood thinner. He then went to the Count Dracula hospital in New York City called Sloan Kettering for chemotherapy where I visited him recommending he leave that murder center and follow Dr. Max Gerson’s and Dr. Albert Schweitzer’s organic change of diet therapy.
Just after I left him the greatest chemotherapy doctor in the world came in to see his progress and saw the book by Dr. Gerson on his table and asked where he obtained it. He said a friend left it and the doctor praised it to the sky but thought his chemo percentages would be better but that hypothesis was never tested and my friend died of chemotherapy.
Nor do I accept the idea that you have to give yourself the disease in order to prevent a worse case of the disease. I consider that notion idiotic. The medical deniers will come to us to say you are not a scientist or doctor and I merely reply there is no such thing as a healthy doctor or for that matter a healthy looking scientist. Just look at them. We will leave off on this discussion and refer the reader to footnote 2 for a more thorough examination of the subject.