The above lectures will be explained later but it is important to first place them in a context of modern medicine and its heresies.
The Rudolf Steiner opinion is that the disease comes solely from within the person is partly but not completely true. The most important resistance to disease is a strong immune system. When that is broken down disease can enter the picture. For example, the perversion called sodomy created AIDS as it was not an AIDS germ as theorized but never isolated or proven as in the case of coronavirus according to medical sources, but by the sodomist destroying his immune system by his unnatural acts. A Professor of Medicine at Columbia University and a physician at the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital named Albert W. Grokoest related to me at lunch at the Harvard Club that medical workups at the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital showed massive hyper-degeneracy in the AIDS patients as these sodomists took narcotic drugs to enable them to have had 40 connections in one night, night after night, and he maintained that it was this repetitive hyper-degeneracy that created AIDS by damaging their immune system and not a germ or virus. Roy Cohen was one of these creeps. In our last confrontation it appeared to me that his face was as corrupt as “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. This was particularly true about his nose which is logical to those who understand physiognomy. There is a good book on this subject by Johann Caspar Lavater and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe entitled: “Physiognomy”. When Lavater met the Austrian Emperor he covered his face as the Austrian said he was afraid that he would see his sins. Goethe maintained that if an artist did not understand this principle he was not an artist.
This agrees with the physician Galen that 99% of premature deaths are caused by hyper-degeneracy which is defined by Saint Augustine in his “On The Good of Marriage” to be that which is in excess what is required for procreation or once a month until pregnancy and then holy continence during pregnancy for nine months and nursing for two years as the Levites practiced as evidenced by the three year gaps between the sons of Moses and the space between Moses and his brother Aaron’s and his sister Miriam’s ages. This was the model of the beautiful Queen of Palmyra Zenobia of Palmyra admired by Catherine the Great. This is why the holy Levite tribe was the smallest in number among the twelve tribes of Israel that left Egypt but they were the most holy. Saint Augustine’s views are supported by Plato in his “Laws” in Chapter 8: 839 which concept he studied under the Prophet Jeremiah in Egypt as St. Augustine explains in his “City of God”. In footnote three we explain that the fantastic beauty of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was due to this practice where this blonde beauty of 65 attracted Pharoah, King of Egypt, and at 89 she attracted a King. Here is the source of the preservation of beauty that was recognized by Bridget Bardot in footnote three.
If there were an external germ or what the ancients called an evil spirit that attacks you, then seeking an antidote that kills the germ or evil spirit has some logic to it. In other words, the evil spirit theory is masked by science by calling it a germ or virus. I have pointed out that cancer is caused by influences that are external such as a nuclear power plant near homes where children’s baby teeth show large amounts of strontium 90 that cause cancer. The cause is external and it is not a germ or evil spirit. Yet, it is treated as a kind of germ in that it must be destroyed by chemotherapy and or radiation, both of which are cancer causing manifestations which makes these methods highly illogical as a treatment, or by operations just as the ancients in Egypt treated cancer operations thousands of years ago destroying the cancer or evil spirit. This is the continuation of a barbaric misconception in violation of the doctor’s Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. Evil spirits or germs are not the cause of cancer. Dr. Gerson’s method of cure was to revert to a natural diet only of organic food and a coffee enema treatment for the liver to detoxify it so it could function by cleaning the blood of the inorganic impurities aggregated together in the cancer. In a sense the cancer might be regarded as a defense mechanism against immediate death. It worked by dissolving the cancer and expelling it from the body via the liver except as in the case of Steve Jobs where the liver was too damaged. Steve had for this reason a liver transplant which suffered rejection problems that led to his death.
Dr. Max Gerson said that Dr. Albert Schweitzer came to French Equatorial Africa in 1913 to open a hospital and never saw one cancer patient come in for 17 years. The European processed foods entered Africa in 1930 and the cancer rate rose to European levels. He and Dr. Gerson attributed this to inorganic ingredients in the food chain starting with Justus von Liebig’s artificial fertilizer replacing the human excrement that was flowing down the European rivers that putrified them. The entire food chain was chemicalized. This is another cause of cancer.
One of Liebig’s most recognized accomplishments is the development of nitrogen-based fertilizer. In the first two editions of his book (1840, 1842), Liebig reported that the atmosphere contained insufficient nitrogen, and argued that nitrogen-based fertilizer was needed to grow the healthiest possible crops. Liebig believed that nitrogen could be supplied in the form of ammonia, and that chemical fertilizers can be substituted for natural ones (animal dung, etc.). This was incorrect.
The four thousand year time tested fertilizer methods in China were as follows: the human manure was carted in wagons out of the cities to the surrounding countryside where it was used for fertilizer. It worked wonderfully and similarly worked in Europe until the populations started to shift into the cities. But the Europeans did not cart out their human waste and the land became depleted of its nutrients. These nutrients were replaced with von Liebig’s inorganic chemicals and the cancer rate soared. At first there appeared to be a rejuvenation of the soil but eventually the chemical wore the land out. Life expectancy dropped based on poor sanitation and using coal as a fuel which unfortunately can be seen in Beijing today whose air is very unhealthy. I understand China is moving as fast as possible to substitute natural gas and oil for the cities and experimenting in converting coal to a cleaner synthetic oil.
As we turn back to 19h century London the putrified Thames river full of human waste passed the Parliament in the 19th century. If the wind blew towards the Parliament building from the Thames the stench was unbearable. And here was the mightiest world power of the day when Britannia ruled the waves. It was here that George Bernard Shaw said this stench or putrid waste was causing small pox, diphtheria, typhus, cholera and not germs and it was the hygiene movement that wiped it out these diseases whose disappearance had nothing to do with vaccinations. The battle against vaccinations seen today all over the world is not new, and here is a study on the same situation in England in the 19h century where vaccinations were to be forced as Macron is demanding against growing opposition.
Here is a discussion of the massive opposition to Jenner’s small pox vaccine in England